
Trade Show Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind! [2025 Update]

Trade shows are a fantastic way of generating new business, and they have kept their appeal even as businesses move more of their marketing operations online.

Don’t believe us? We’ve researched the topic using a variety of sources and come up with the following list of 30+ trade show statistics that will blow your mind!

We keep this list regularly updated with all the latest trade show stats categorised as:

  • Stats about Trade Show Exhibitors

  • Stats about the Value of Trade Shows

  • Stats about Trade Show Attendees

  • Stats about the Trade Show Industry

You are welcome to use these facts on your site with a hyperlinked reference to the source.

Stats about Trade Show Exhibitors

95% of exhibitors prefer 'in-person' to 'virtual' events

95% of exhibitors prefer 'in-person' to 'virtual' events

In-person trade shows have continued to be popular despite the growth of virtual events during Covid-19.

Sоurсе: Display Wizard Covid 19 Trade Show Report 2022

64% of Exhibitors Plan to Exhibit at More Trade Shows yearly

64% of Exhibitors Plan to Exhibit at More Trade Shows yearly

2022 was the return of trade shows globally and most exhibitors said they planned to increase exhibiting in the following 3 years.

Sоurсе: Display Wizard Trade Show Exhibitor Report 2022

72% of businesses said that Charges for Floorspace & Utilities were the biggest issues with exhibition venues

72% of businesses said that Charges for Floorspace & Utilities were the biggest issues with exhibition venues

The high cost of renting space and site utilities was the biggest issue with venues as found by exhibitors.

Sоurсе: Display Wizard Trade Show Exhibitor Report 2022

> 97% of event marketers believe we will see more hybrid events in the future.

The Covid-19 pandemic has also changed how people attend events, and now 'hybrid' events (a mix between online and in-person) are being predicted by marketeers.

Sоurсе:Bizzabo Event Marketing Report 2021

> 92% of Businesses Plan to Be More Sustainable when Exhibiting at Trade Shows 

Trade Show Exhibiting can be damaging to the environment, with many businesses planning to be more sustainable.

Sоurсе: Display Wizard Trade Show Exhibitor Report 2022

> 64% of exhibitors surveyed said that the quality of attendees was the most important factor when choosing to exhibit at a trade show.

Cost (54%), trade show industry (40%) and geographical location (38%) were seen as the next most important factors.

Source: Display Wizard Exhibitor Survey

> 28% of trade show exhibitors start planning their trade show marketing 1-2 months before the show.

22% start planning 2-4 months before the show, whilst 18% are very prepared, getting ready 4-6 months before the show.

Source: Display Wizard Exhibitor Survey 2017

> 76% of exhibitors say that their event is integrated with their other marketing campaigns.

More and more exhibitors are choosing to create video content at their shows which they can use in their marketing throughout the year.

Source: EventTrack 2016 Experiential Marketing Report

> 81% of exhibitors use email to follow up their trade show leads.

Calling leads after the show was also important with 68% of respondents reporting that they use this method. A fast riser was social media with 27% of exhibitors using this means to follow up their leads.

Source: Display Wizard Exhibitor Survey

> 43% of exhibitors spend between £500 and £2000 on their trade show displays per year.

21% of exhibitors spent only between £100 - £500 on their displays.

Source: Display Wizard Exhibitor Survey

> An eye-catching stand is the most effective method for attracting attendees according to 48% of exhibitors surveyed

This was followed by giveaways (34%) and social media (31%) in terms of popularity.

Source: Display Wizard Exhibitor Survey

Stats about the Value of Trade Shows

70% of Businesses Generated New Leads & Brand Awareness from Trade Shows in 2022

70% of Businesses Generated New Leads & Brand Awareness from Trade Shows in 2022

Many Businesses benefited from the return of trade shows, with new leads and brand awareness the main benefits.

Sоurсе: Display Wizard Trade Show Exhibitor Report 2022

Brands that exhibit at live events are 28% more innovative when encountered face-to-face.

Brands that exhibit at live events are 28% more innovative when encountered face-to-face.

Live events such as trade shows give exhibitors an opportunity to explain how their product or service differs from the competition.

Source: Facetime.Org "The Power of Live Events"

65% of businesses said that in-person trade shows were an invaluable part of their marketing strategy

65% of businesses said that in-person trade shows were an invaluable part of their marketing strategy

The Covid-19 pandemic hasn't dented the popularity of in-person trade shows, which remain a vital part of many business's marketing strategy.

Sоurсе: Display Wizard Covid 19 Trade Show Report 2022

> 58% of Businesses said their Staff Gained Product Knowledge from Exhibiting at Trade Shows

Working closely with the product and interacting with customers can have a positive affect on the product knowledge of a sales team.

Sоurсе: Display Wizard Trade Show Exhibitor Report 2022

> 75% of exhibitors predicted a positive future for trade shows.

Respondents spoke of the importance of face-to-face communication, generating brand awareness and positive ROI.

Source: Display Wizard Exhibitor Survey

> 57% of exhibitors said that their trade show staff gained sales skills from exhibiting.

Other skills gained were product knowledge (46%) and staff bonding (38%).

Source: Display Wizard Exhibitor Survey

> 55% of event marketers saw a reduction in new business caused by the pausing of trade shows during Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic had a damaging effect on many businesses that relied on trade shows to generate new leads.

Sоurсе: Display Wizard Covid 19 Trade Show Report 2022

> It takes an average of 4.5 sales calls to close a sale without an exhibition lead, and only 3.5 sales calls to close a lead from an exhibition.

The advantage of face-to-face contact with your lead means you can close sales more quickly.

Source: CEIR: ‘The Cost effectiveness of Exhibition Participation: Part II

> Meeting potential customers was the most positive aspect of exhibiting at a trade show according to 83% of exhibitors.

Building brand awareness (63%) and meeting existing customers (44%) were also seen as some of the main advantages of exhibiting.

Source: Display Wizard Exhibitor Survey

> 71% of SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) won business using face-to-face networking.

For smaller businesses who don't have huge advertising budgets, networking events such as trade shows are an effective means of generating new business.

Source: Display Wizard SME survey

> The perception of a brand that is not represented at an event falls by 5%. This is true even for global brands.

Not attending the key events in your industry can be more damaging than you think.

Source: "The Power of Live Events

Stats about Trade Show Attendees

81% оf trаdе ѕhоw attendees hаvе buуіng аuthоrіtу.

81% оf trаdе ѕhоw attendees hаvе buуіng аuthоrіtу.

Visitors at trade shows are often influential people within their companies making trade show an ideal shop window.

Sоurсе: CEIR: Thе Sреnd Dесіѕіоn:Anаlуzіng Hоw Exhіbіtѕ Fіt Into the Ovеrаll Marketing

46% of attendees attend only one trade show per year.

46% of attendees attend only one trade show per year.

Many attendees pick and choose their shows, representing how trade shows often have a specialist audience.

Source: Freeman Exhibit Surveys 2015

92% of trade show attendees say their main reason for attending trade shows is to see new products being featured.

92% of trade show attendees say their main reason for attending trade shows is to see new products being featured.

Exhibitors should try and launch a new product at their shows when possible..

Source:  CEIR: The Role and Value of Face to Face

> 64% of trade show attendees are not customers of the exhibitors’ companies.

There are lots of opportunites for fresh prospects at trade shows.

Source: Exhibit Surveys 2015

> The average trade show attendee spends 5.5 hours at a live event such as a trade show.

Most attendees explore the venue thoroughly, but it's always better to grab a good location to maximise your exposure.

Source: Facetime.Org "The Power of Live Events"

> 65% of attendees said events help them give a greater understanding of a product or service

This brand personalisation is far greater than digital efforts and TV advertising as methods of recognizing and learning about a brand.

Source: EventTrack 2016 Experiential Marketing Report

Stats about the Trade Show Industry

> The global exhibition industry contracted by 68% in 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has serious consecquences for the industry, with $330 billion in missed trade between exhibitors,

Sоurсе: UFI Covid Report 2021

> The global exhibition industry was valued at 14 billion dollars in 2021, but will only surpass pre-pandemic values in 2026.

The global exhibition industry is growing at a rate of 30% a year, but due to the impact of Covid-19 this will only reach pre-pandemic levels by 2026.

Sоurсе: Statista

> The Hannover Messegelande Exhibition Hall in Germany is the largest in the world, at 496,000 square metres.

The second biggest is the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, China at 400,000 square metres.

Source: Event Manager Blog

Exhibiting at a trade show? Here's our recommended categories:

Banner Stands

Banner Stands

how to assemble a pop up stand

Pop Up Stands

Promotional Flags

Promotional Flags

LED Lightboxes & Displays

LED Lightboxes & Displays

Literature Stands

Literature Stands

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