Instant Credit for Public Sector Organisations
Not a public sector organisation? No problem, we also offer credit accounts to private sector organisations, just complete our standard credit account form.
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- Instant Credit for Public Sector Organisations
We have been supplying the public sector for over 20 years and can offer instant credit accounts to all public sector organisations, such as schools, colleges, universities, councils, NHS hospitals and government agencies.
Just fill out the form below, attach your PO (if available) and we will create a credit account for you and if you have supplied a PO on application, we will process your order.
Once your account is open you will benefit from easy ordering and 30 day payment terms*.
Instant credit accounts are only available to public sector organisations, such as:
Government Agencies
Schools (excludes non-government funded schools)
Not a public sector organisation? No problem, we also offer credit accounts to private sector organisations, just complete our standard credit account form.
Public sector credit application form
*Full payment to be made within 30 days from the invoice date. Overdue invoices may be referred to a third party for collection if payment terms are not met and should this happen, we may remove the credit facility from your account. All orders are subject to our standardTerms & Conditions.